Zinc Deficiency in Plants


Zinc may be given lesser priority by some gardeners, but it is one of the nutrients that you should never take for granted if you wish to have healthy plants in your garden. It provides a variety of benefits to your plants, some of which are as follow:

assists in the early growth rate of plants

assists in crop stress protection

vital element in fruit, seed, and root system development

acts as plant growth regulators

needed in photosynthesis

contributes to the efficient functioning of Nitrogen, Potassium, and Phosphorus

How to Identify Plants with Zinc Deficiency
Plants who suffer from zinc deficiency reveals short internodes and decreased leaf size. In some instances, you will also notice delayed maturity in its growth since it plays an important role in the growth and development of plants.

Causes of Zinc Deficiency in Plants
Here are the factors found to be responsible for zinc deficiency in plants:

Soil Temperature

Soil Texture

Top Soil Removal

Previous Crop Planted

Level of Phosphorus in the Soil

How to Maintain Zinc Sufficiency in the Soil
Research shows that zinc sufficiency is often experience during cold and wet spring weather. It is also exhibited by sandy soils with very little organic matter. To help remedy this, consider pursuing the following:

It is best to soil sample your fields to test its acidity level. You may need to take this to a laboratory where they can have the right key detection tools.

After evaluation, you may use zinc-ammonia and mix it with other fluid fertilizers.

You may use folier applications using powdered zinc sulfate or zinc chelate that has been dissolved in water.