Calcium Deficiency in Plants

We all know that calcium is very much needed by our body to have strong bones and teeth. In any case, calcium is also important for plant growth and development. It is a major component in its cell walls and cell membranes, so it is important that farmers supply the soil with sufficient amount of calcium that plants can easily absorb.

Benefits of Calcium in Plants

Helps the cells of plants communicate with each other as it passes through the cell


Integral in the structure of plants

strong influence with microbial activity

Causes of Calcium Deficiency in Plants
If you are unaware of the possible reasons why some plants suffer from calcium deficiency, then here are a few of these:

Overuse of nitrogen and potassium in your choice of fertilizer

Some soil contain insoluble calcium or calcium carbonate

Sandy and acidic soil, which lacks large amount of calcium for the plant to absorb

Minerals contained in the soil that hinders plants to fully absorb this mineral

Symptoms of Calcium Deficiency in Plants
The following are the signs that your plants may be suffering from calcium deficiency:

New leaves that develop are often distorted and hooked-shape

The tip of the leaves often die out easily

Contributory factor in the end of the blossoming of tomatoes, tip burning of

cabbages, and brown or black heart of celery and escarole.

Ways of Adding and Restoring Calcium in Garden Soil
If you notice the above signs, then it is best to follow these advices to help restore the calcium level in your garden soil.

Place crushed egg shells to the soil. As these breaks, the calcium content in the shell will easily be transferred to the soil, which the plant can feed upon. Just make sure you rinse the egg reside from these shells to avoid attracting unwanted bugs and predators to your garden.