Plants & Soil Heath
Using fertilisers such as 'fish & kelp' will promote healthy plants and glossy foliage.
Soil loses it's natural lime in areas of high rainfall such as the Sunshine Coast, add lime or Dolomite as a soil sweetener, which corrects the ph level and aerates heavy soil.
Pruning plants during spring will promote vigorous new growth.
Mulching your garden will allow plants to maintain moisture through our prolonged summers.
For a huge selection of plant species, competitive prices and friendly, professional advice, please visit eplants nursery.
Sea Change Liquid Fertiliser
Coir Compressed Coconut Fibre
Tom explains compressed coconut fibre also know as 'Coir' an invaluable product that ePlants use routinely throughout our nursery to enhance our soil. Use in your soil at home or can be used as an alternative to mulch.
Flower Power and Instant Greener
Tom from ePlants doing a quick spiel on two products ePlants recommends mixing with organic Sea Change in your watering can:- Flower Power and Instant Greener. The first product is 'Flower Power' this is a soluble fertiliser with a high potassium content and as the name suggests it promotes flower growth with your ornamentals in your garden.