
Mites share similar appearance with spiders; however, it is much smaller. It feeds on variety of living organisms including plants, organic debris, fungi, and insects. You can easily identify the type of mite pestering a plant due to its color and type of life habit plus the assistance of a handlens so you can easily have a bigger look of these pests.

Types of Mites

The Plant Eaters

These are colored green, dirty red, or brown that walks very quickly once disturbed from its rest. It is often found in leaves and fruits of plants. It is very harmful.

Fungi Eaters
This exhibits a transparent or opaque off white appearance; but may also display a black or very dark brown color at times. It moves very slowly even when disturbed and is often found in sooty mould or debris under the calyx. This are not harmful.

Specific Types of Harmful Mite Plant Eaters
The following should be considered as direct threat to your plants if you found any of these in your plants.

Eriphyid mites
These are very small mites that measures only 0.2 mm and will not be visible without the aid of a magnifying tool. The rest of its descriptive properties are as follow:

pale yellow to brown color

very small, transparent, spherical, and scattered eggs

stationary feeding habit that moves very, very slow even if disturbed

Included in this classification is the Brown citrus rust mite (Tegolophus australis) and the Brown citrus rust mite.

Spider Mite
These are large in comparison to its cousins. It measures 0.5 mm and has the following traits:

spherical shape

stout hairs on the dorsal surface

large red or white eggs found in barks and leaves of trees

brown, green, and dark red color

Included in this classification are the Citrus red mite (panyonychus citris) and the two- spotted mite.

Mite and Its Effect on Citrus Plants of Australia
The oriental red mite referred to as Eutetransychus orientalis and the citrus red mite referred to as Panonychus citri are one of the most harmful pests of the citrus plants of Australia. It produces the following harm and damages to plants:

development of rough rinds on the sharkskin of fruits

bronzing of fruits

premature abscission

structural modification of fruit bud

Control Methods
Farmers are given options to use products like lime-sulphur, mancozeb, and dispersable sulphur sprays. You are fortunate because most of these mites will only be confined to a single tree, so all that needs to be done is for the plant to be quarantined to easily get rid of the harmful mites.

You may also use predatory mites or ladybird beetles and larvae so it can naturally feed on these plant-eating mites. You may also wish to control the aphids and the mealy bugs scale on the trees, to avoid it from getting unwanted damage from these mites.

Lastly, is the importance of regular weeding and skirting of your citrus trees. Diligently inspect your plants from unwanted mite infestation and you can easily spray the needed solution that will hinder it further growth and development. 

Organic, Natural Solution to treat Mites